The speed at which this summer has passed me by is really quite amazing. It's now September 2nd and I feel like it was June just the other day. I spent the last month touring the country with my family, and creating some memories that will last me the rest of my life! Never again will I travel 6121 miles in a van with 7 other family members! I just don't think that should be forced upon anyone in a lifetime. EVER! But again, there are some things that I will NEVER forget! After spending the first 2 and a half weeks on the road camping, driving, and sight seeing, we finally got back to Michigan, where I spent a little less then 2 weeks spending more time with family, (as if I hadn't gotten enough family time) but it was good. Throughout the trip as a whole it was definitely really hard to not be able to spend as much time as I had been in prayer and the Word. Very quickly after leaving Kansas City to start the trip did I miss spending the nights in prayer, and waking up in the morning to worship music and spending some time in the Word. So after a month of vacationing, I was really really ready to return to
IHOP. Even though I have lived in KC for only a grand total of about 5 months now, I really feel like this has become my home. It just seems like the Lord has had me leave my father and mother's home for a reason. To establish and declare myself as a House of God! Really, God has orchestrated it all! Upon getting here and creating many new friendships and connections that have surrounded me and encouraged me along the way, this really has created an atmosphere new beginnings along with new family. There is an unmistakable feeling about being exactly where you know God wants you to be that really is the most amazing feeling in the world! Out of anywhere I could have been this fall, I'm here in Kansas City, and it now really feels like home. Something that really added to the whole detachment from Flint connections as home was my family moving to a new house. It's kind of a different feeling when you go back "Home" and you no longer have a room, you no longer have a bed, you get either a futon, or a pull out bed. It was nice to be there in a secure environment with people that have known me for my whole life, but, it was different this time. It felt more like visiting, then visiting home. I stopped in Chicago and saw a couple people as I was making my way back to Kansas City and really enjoyed meeting a few new friends there as well. But even in the one day delay felt like such a long time after being away from KC for so long. Needless to say I my heart was so happy when we departed with intentions of driving through back to KC. In the last 10 miles of getting back to my house, with the surroundings that became more and more familiar, my heart was so lifting with every mile we traveled! Such a peace about being back in the place that I knew I was supposed to be at. To get back into a routine of seeing the face of God in scripture, and encountering His personality in Prayer. Even now sitting here in the Prayer Room at 3 a.m there is a deep longing of my soul that is crying out for more. Each moment, each song that is sung, each prayer that is lifted, every person that engages in corporate prayer, feeds this deep longing for communion with God. And my heart says, "It's Gooooooooood!" In other news I've been training like some might say, a dog, for different road races of sorts. When I was in Michigan I ran in a 10 mile race called the
Crim, and I guess it was shortly after running that race that I decided being in shape felt good, so I decided to keep that streak going. So I'll be running in the
Helen Gold 10K next Saturday. I'm not sure what to say about this sudden spurt of running training, because I've never really been one that enjoys running, especially anything over the length of a soccer field. But I really have found a joy in training and spending quiet time with the Lord during these runs. I mean, 45 minutes with just me, God, and some worship music, that's rare in any case these days. So I guess you could say I'm running with the purpose of God in mind. I'm thinking I'll be doing a half-marathon of some sort this fall, the problem is they are so stinkn' expensive, and I'm really playing with the idea of doing a full marathon in the spring sometime?! I'd say now is the time to do it, before I get all out of shape and get a gut that is. Plus, not to many people just get to say, "I've run a Marathon have you?" =) J/K But still, the challenge has been reason enough in my brain to at least do one in my lifetime! Well, that is in brief what has been taking place the last few days of my life. I haven't done such a great job keeping this thing up to date lately, but I look to get better at this as I get back into a routine schedule! So until next time...
Strength & Honor.
Grace & Peace.
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